So, I went back to work two weeks after my surgery, which was three weeks ago today. I didn't want to take FMLA (couldn't afford it), and honestly I was getting bored at home.
But obviously, I couldn't really do my "job". I'm a zoo keeper, and our days are harsh. We spend hours cleaning exhibits, which may mean climbing stairs, ducking into small doors, hauling trash cans of dirt, and standing around hosing all morning long. None of this is doctor-approved, say nothing about being painful.
So whenever we have someone at the zoo who's compromised in some way, they go on light duty. Light duty means any number of things; it could mean desk work - filing paperwork, writing emails, updating protocols, etc. It could mean "diets" - spending time in several areas chopping veggies, sorting fish, or weighing out meat. Sometimes it's organizing bookshelves, or helping the education department. I'm just really, really glad they didn't stick me up in Guest Services for four weeks!
So what have I been doing for the past several weeks at work? Here's a list:
Updating guest connections records
Updating keeper refresh records
Working on ZooTech 6
Writing an article for the members' magazine
Organizing the tool cabinet
Updating Tropics protocols and bat diet sheets
Sorting fish for Rocky Shores
Writing a protocol for sorting fish for Rocky Shores
Making Reptile diets
Helping Cats with snow leopard watch
Helping education make "blubber bags" for their programs (this one involved several cans of Crisco)
Stuffing gift bags for the Felid TAG recipients.
Some of this stuff required sitting at a computer. Most of the diet prep happened while sitting on a stool. It still required lots of walking between areas, and especially to lunch every day. I think that's what helped me ditch the crutches so soon...forced PT in the form of schlepping down to the SAB or up to Cats every day.
One more week (hopefully) and this'll all be over!